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StrokeScribe Free Download


Unlike the complete software solutions, allowing to print barcode labels, the use of an ActiveX provides additional flexibility and allows to integrate barcode into existing documents from programs that do not support it directly. StrokeScribe core features: - Easy integration with Microsoft Office aplications: Word, Excel, Access. - Development environments supported: Microsoft Visual C/C++, IBM Notes, Borland Delphi/Builder, Microsoft FoxPro/Visual Basic. May be used in C# applications as a COM object. - 1C:Enterprise 7 platform support. - AutoCAD support. - Barcode formats supported: CODE 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, ITF-14, EAN-13, EAN-8, CODABAR, PDF417, Data Matrix, QR Code, CODE 93, CODE 39, CODE 11, EAN-128, EAN-14, Intelligent Mail, POSTNET, GS1-DATAMATRIX. - CODE-128 automatic alphabet switching, which helps to reduce the length of the barcode. - Structured Append mode support for QR Codes. - Barcode image can be rotated by multiples of 90 degrees. - Manual and automatic control of text parameters, including font size, family and vertical text offset. - DataBinding technology support for easy integration with database applications. - Automatic optional check-digit calculation: MOD-16 for CODABAR and MOD-43 for CODE 39 barcodes. - There is no need to install additional barcode fonts. - Documents with embedded barcodes can be viewed or printed by other people without installation of the component.

Tags: barcode, activex, code, data matrix, codabar, office, .net, postnet, font, word, excel, access, datamatrix

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