Develop check processing applications that accept input from traditional document scanners. With ClearCheck21, a check scanner is not mandatory. Reliably read or OCR all the MICR lines from any PDF, TIFF or JPG check image. Extract the check image from any size document image. The check can be in any orientation. ClearCheck21 will correctly frame and orient the check for Check21 electronic remote capture deposit. Clearcheck21 will:
* OCR the MICR Line and parse the fields
* Extract and isolate the check image from the overall image
* Prepare the check image for remote deposit in a Check21 Cash Letter File
With the optional ClearCheck21 IQA engine financial institutions and depositors can also obtain the required Image QA metrics.
The MICR line fields are available in raw format, as well as parsed and interpreted according to ABA rules described in ANSI X9.100* 160* 1:2004 (formerly X9.13) . The ABA fields include: Routing, Routing Checksum, EPC, Amount, OnUs, and Auxiliary OnUs. The Check Number and Account number fields are obtained according to common usage convention. Each field value is available in ANSI X9.100* 180* 2006 (formerly X9.37) format or in raw format, as well as ABA compliance flag, confidence level, coordinates and skew angle. Since complete MICR line value is available, parsing for non ABA compliant documents can be implemented by developers.
Use the ClearCheck21MICR Reader engine to read poor quality images in a virtual reject repair process that does not require physical rescan.
* Extract the correctly framed check image from the image page, in any orientation - horizontal, vertical, diagonal or skewed.
* Images may be grayscale, or bitonal in any resolution.
* Parse and interpret the data, for US checks, according to ABA rules.
* Obtain the unparsed data for non US checks.
* Reads multiple MICR on the check and the IRD of a substitute check
* accept TIFF, PDF, JPG and X9 Image Cash Letter files for input
Tags: micr, substiture, check, cash letter file, exchange, extract, stub, payment, remittance, tiff, banking
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