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PvLog DeObfuscator x64 Free Download


PvLog Deobfuscator is a MSIL code optimizer. One side effect of the optimizer is that it can make more readable obfuscated code. PvLog DeObfuscator can also rename the types and names of members to further improve readability. This tool does not require installation: you just need to run the executable. DeObfuscator is also available in 32 and 64 bit, but we recommend you use the version that corresponds to the architecture of the assembly to optimize. The assembly generated by Deobfusctator may not always run because of protective measures implemented in the assembly (protection against code modification), but should be able to load in reflector. NOTE: the attribute that prevents ILDASM is not removed by DeObfuscator... but it could !

Tags: deobfuscator, msil, csharp, vbnet, dotnet


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