.NET controls to add MSAS browser functionality to your applications. Works like a client to the MS Analysis Services Server. All OLAP operations like drilling, pivoting, filtering, grouping, drill through. Splendid user interface and powerful API designed to create true OLAP applications.
Key Features:
- Microsoft Analysis Services 2000-2012
- Support of the local Cube files.
- KPI and Actions.
- Two working modes: cube browsing and displaying the results of any MDX-queries.
- Hierarchies of three types:
-- Parent-child (both balanced and unbalanced);
-- Multilevel (both regular and ragged);
-- Mixed from all previous types.
- Calculated measures on the client or server side, using both the information from the fact table and values of the aggregated cube cells.
- Calculated hierarchy members on the client or server side.
- Unicode support
- Saving and restoring the current OLAP slice.
- Hierarchy members grouping.
- Separate sorting on any hierarchy level or dimension. Override any sorting method.
- Ascending or descending sorting based on any column value in the OLAP Grid.
- Filtering any set of hierarchy members.
- Auto filtering of the hierarchy members depending on their values in the Grid. Major/minor members selection, either based on their rank or on the Pareto principle.
- Displaying in the Grid not only the values of the measures but also percent regarding totals, subtotals, or grand totals.
- Displaying images in Grid cells, automatic positioning of the picture in a cell, depending on the defined parameters.
- Full control over cells content.
- Adjustable custom popup menus in the Grid.
- Auto sizing of cells depending on their contents.
- Editing OLAP data directly in the Grid ("writeback" support).
- Integration with OLAP Chart or third-party components.
- Flexible export to MS Excel, HTML, GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, CSV, TXT, PDF formats.
- Localization.
Tags: olap, pivot, windows forms, business intelligence, cube, crosstab, olap cube, pivot table, pivottable, drilling, analysis, hierarchy, server, msas, analysis services, adomd, business data, multidimensional cube