TCAD is a component that will help you write vector graphics applications. Shapes can be interacted with by mouse or code. It is easy to use, effective and powerful. It will save you valuable time.
¡ñDrawing shapes on the designer canvas by mouse actions or code.
¡ñModifying the drawed shapes.
¡ñSupport multi-layers, printing/deleting/visible invisible layer(s).
¡ñUsing all colors possible.
¡ñUsing different style of pens ,different style of brushes if you need.
¡ñCreating text objects with any font installed in the system.
¡ñNecessarily shape action related events published.
¡ñUsing page formats like (A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,letter, etc.) or custom sizes.
¡ñUndo actions
¡ñCutting, copying, pasting and deleting the shapes.
¡ñSendtoback,Bringtofront all or by a step.
¡ñOrdering the shapes(SendToBack, BringToFront, etc.)
¡ñRotating, Dragging and Scaling the shapes by mouse or code.
¡ñAligning the shape in any style.
¡ñEasy to create user-define combine shape
¡ñSnapping the mouse point to grids,shape outline.
¡ñPowerful inspector
¡ñLocking/Unlocking Shape
¡ñShowing HotSpot of a shape or hiding.
¡ñGrouping and ungrouping the shapes.
¡ñZooming and panning, viewing the drawing in any scale.
¡ñShowing hints when mouse enter a shape.
¡ñEasy to create your library with [Library creating tool(GUI)] ;
¡ñDynamic link line supported , using mouse or code, like VISIO;
¡ñSupport line crossing;
¡ñSupport line breaking;
¡ñSupport 24 gradient style fill mode
¡ñSaving the drawing as disk file or stream(database) and opening it.
¡ñPrinting the drawing to the printer and/or plotter.
¡ñInserting bitmaps to the drawing.
¡ñScaling, rotating,dragging bitmaps like a shape.
¡ñExporting the drawing as WMF,bitmap,Jpg,dxf file.
Tags: delphi, builder, graphic, component, draw, vector, line, rectangle
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