Zee WebSplitter creates resizable, nested, DIV-based split panels. Appearances and behaviors of the splitters and panels can be flexibly customized. Zee WebSplitter is also highly useful as a generic page layout tool. You will never again need to struggle with CSS hacks and scripts just to create a simple layout of 100% height with header and footer. Of course, you can create more complex layouts with Zee WebSplitter. Features: DIV-based panels. Horizontal / Vertical split orientation. Multiple resizable/collapsible/fixed-size/auto-fill panels in a container. Multiple levels of nested containers. Container resizes with browser window. Support for full browser window height/width. IFRAME in a panel. Live refresh of contents while resizing. Constraints on panel sizes: min/max/step sizes. Oversized thumbs allow users to grab thin splitters easily. Show splitter buttons only on mouse-over. Panel states, and positions of splitter bars and scrollbars persist across postbacks. Server-side event for panel state change. Customizable via CSS, Themes, and object properties. Support margins, borders, and padding. Support background color, background image. Customizable splitter bar thickness, thumb image, mouse-over cursor, and other appearances. ASP.NET 2.0 Themes support. Works with Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX. Customized UpdatePanel for better programmatic access and design-time support. Panel state and size updatable via AJAX postback, even panel is not an UpdatePanel. Selected panel properties accessible with JavaScript. Client-side events for panel resize or state change. Panels and their contents can be created dynamically at run-time. Panel sequence can be rearranged at run-time. Excellent design-time support for Visual Studio 2005. In Design View, server controls can be drag-and-dropped to panels, and contents can be visually edited in the same way as the default .NET Panel class. Supports all major browsers, and various modes (quirks/strict).
Tags: asp.net, splitter, split window, panel, layout manager, visual studio, ajax
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