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Brevitas Business Intelligence Framework Free Download


Brevitas is a Microsoft .Net based business intelligence framework for windows operative system, specially designed to handle two of the biggest tasks on analyze and represent data. Extract and represent the data: our framework handles and store all the information needed to extract the data and represent it, from connection strings and queries to report layouts, settings and security options. Maximizing the reusability of the metadata needed to extract the data and minimizing the efforts needed to represent it. Manage and secure the data representation within the enterprise: as the business grows the amount of users and data representations grows too. Our framework provides an intuitive management system able to grant or deny the use of a data representation with a few clicks. Also it provides information about which users or organization groups have access to the each report.

Tags: reporting, report generator, report designer, matrix, business finance, e.r.p reports, business intelligence, c.r.m reports, database reports


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