For many countries street coordinates are present with coverage degrees of 100 percent. The geo data offered here are in high-precision quality and are present in several coordinate and reference systems. Street coordinates or also called street section coordinates are meaning the summary of several postal house addresses to an averaged position on street or street section basis. The street coordinates are to be used with applications, which are developed to assign street oriented address groups exact positions. The possible field of application is very various. So e.g. own address lists can be enriched with geo references and visualized on suitable map material. The application scope reaches from information systems over navigation services, geo marketing, telecommunications and UTMS based services up to Web applications and tasks of the power authorities and security services. Another point of interest can be the establishing relationships between data derived from different hierarchies and levels. For example, it could be desirable to know to which administrative or postal unit a street belongs to. The coordinates of the streets are present as geographic coordinates and UTM coordinates. Geographical coordinates in degree notation are particularly suitable well for searches with Google Earth. Street-exact geo data are on the one hand less expensive than the high resolution house-exact geo data, on the other hand they are more exact than the economically priced administrative geo data. The geo data offered here are in very precise quality and are present in several coordinate and reference systems. The geo data are specifically for your order purchased from the current data release of well-known international manufacturers. The geo data then are supplemented, unified and, where appropriate, adapted to your needs by KilletSoft. The geo data therefore are always up to date and are subject to constant quality control.
Tags: data, street, streets, road, roads, parts, coordinate, coordinates, coding, navigation, periphery, proximity, search, google, earth, distance, correlation, calculation, reference, etrs, longitude, latitude, postal, code, international, database, killetsoft
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