The unique picture driven aspect allows this software to be used with several different types of inventories.
Including Electronic , Mechanical , Clothing , Food , Gift Shop , Medical and Hotel Maintenance Inventory Items.
There are an abundant amount of Inventory software packages available on the market.
Some more complicated than others and most do not cater to the simple user
This causes frustration and eventually Inventory Control Failure.
(If it is NOT easy to use then nobody will use it.)
This software was developed to bridge the gap between the real complex systems and the generic systems.
Having a Picture Driven Inventory software has several benefits
The user can visually identify if the Inventory part is what they were looking for.
The stock room personal can verify that the parts they received are the same as what was in the stockroom inventory box.
The purchasing department can view the inventory parts and become more knowledgeable of the parts they are ordering.
The Engineering department can view the inventory parts in the Manufacturing bill of materials to verify correct data.
The System Uses a Barcode Reader together with Employee Name Badges to Requisition out Inventory Stock.
The main problem with some Inventory Software systems is that if the user finds it too difficult to log the part out of stock they usally do not do it correctly.
This results in Inventory Control failure and ends up costing the company their profits.
Using a Barcode driven requisition system, makes it simple for the user to remove an Inventory part from the stockroom thus keeping control of the inventory.
This Barcode Inventory Software also has a few added features that allow the user to prompt the purchasing department to look at ordering more of a
part that the user has noticed is running low.
Parts that are requisitioned from the stockroom are logged into a database for reference.
Tags: inventory control, barcode inventory, manufacturing, bill mateials, commerce inventory