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InnerPeace Webmaster ToolKit - Assorted Free Download


The InnerPeace WebMaster Toolkit is a collection of essensial tools assembeled and made by the Webmasters of InnerPeace. Some of these essensial tools are not available anywhere else. Includes a fast, easy 4 hexillion color combo picker, PageJumper web page forwarder, EScrambler to scrambler your email addresses and hide them from spamcrawlers, plus some excellent articles. Colors on web pages do not exist alone. How they look together is very important. Our 4Hexillion color combo picker puts three colors together on the page and changes any one of them, rather fast. PageJumper instantly transfers your visitors to your new page. No *this page has moved* text appears. Most users will not even notice the redirection has occurred. Page redirection does not get any more seamless than this. PageJumper is search engine friendly. PageJumper is Back button friendly. If you ever have to move any web pages, check out PageJumper. Are you getting too much junk email from your web site? EScrambler may be just what you need. Your spam problem comes from spam crawler robots. EScrambler makes your email addresses invisible to spam crawlers. EScrambler hides your email addresses in plain sight. Visitors to your web pages can read and click on your email addresses the same way they do now. Easy to use. Runs on any O/S: Windows, Mac, Unix, etc. License: GNU GPL.

Tags: innerpeace, webmaster, toolkit, tool, html, javascript, hexillion, escrambler, pagejumper


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