100% Free Java API providing a collection of technical indicators which can be used in the construction of technical trading systems. Moreover, by using these methods with our JDBC mediator you will be able to iteratively apply these indicators to historical data stored within a DBMS. Includes detailed PDF technical documentation, CHM class library documentation and client examples.
Within this J2EE Application we have implemented the following functionality:
Technical Indicators
- Moving Averages - Simple, Median, Geometric Moving Averages,etc
- Directional Movement Indicator (DMI) and Average Directional Movement Indicator (ADX)
- Accumulation/Distribution
- Trend or Range?
- Market Strength
- Oscillators
- Bollinger Bands
- Mean Reversion
- Stochastics : (fast and slow)
Filters - Typical and Median price
This product also contains the following features:
GUI Bundle - we bundle a suite of graphical user interface JavaBean components allowing the developer to plug-in a wide range of GUI functionality (including charts/graphs) into their client applications.
JDBC Mediator - A J2SE Component which mediates between a J2SE component, its J2SE Clients and the Database server. The JDBC Mediator J2SE classes are a convenient way of enhancing all financial and mathematical specific methods with JDBC-based functionality. Check the jdbc subpackage of every J2SE class for JavaDocs documentation.
Web Application Example - A Java WAR file which contains a JSP example that makes use of the functionality provided by our J2SE Component.
Synthetic JDBC - The JDBC functionality provided by the Web Application example included within this package. This Web Application is an example of how to make a JSP client using our J2SE Component while manually implementing the JDBC code. The JSP Application applies J2SE methods to certain rows from the database and lists the output in HTML format.
Tags: trading, systems, technical, analysis, java, , finance