Groupon clone script
Forget about spending thousands of dollars in development costs - not to mention the saved time.
GroupScript offers an all-round solution for creating a group buying website, and will help you to create a site that's ready to use after you've set it up.
When the group buying buzz started, our team immediately saw the potential of group purchases. However, the idea of creating our own group buying website was quickly over.
You see, we did have the know-how in development. What we didn't have was marketing knowledge, not to mention business connections.
But we know that YOU have them.
That's why we came up with GroupScript - a ready-to-use, accessible group buying website that anyone can afford.
Here is an introductory list of features that GroupScript offers:
Complete control over your deals - schedule, manage, and remove deals with ease
Complete control over the site's users - change priviliges, add, update, or delete users with ease
Integrated forum system - let the users communicate with you and each other
Let it go viral - use GroupScript's built-in referral tool for even more members
Easy internationalization - even the members' names can contain special characters
Easy sharing - users can share deals on Twitter, Facebook, and send them to friends with e-mail
Easy payments - use PayPal and PayPal Payments Pro to accept credit cards
Top-notch support - 12 free months of updates and support
A word about updates...As GroupScript groupon clone is a long-term project for us, we offer a year of free support and updates.
Updates often include new functions, such as new payment system integration; we also release new themes occassionally.
"Better than expected!" Using GroupScript made it easy for me.
What first caught my eye about GroupScript groupon clone was the simple installation process, which reminded me of WordPress - in a very good way.
With GroupScript I was able to focus on promoting the site,
Tags: groupon clone script, creating commerce website, group buying, create commerce website, ecommerce website, , website creation