Hotel Software is hotel booking and inventory application utilized to carry out customer booking, customer check in and customer check out with supreme accurateness and in a secure manner. Hotel Software proficiently executes in Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 2003, Windows 2007, Windows 2010 etc.
Most Significant Features:
1. Handles customer database.
Hotel Software create new customers, edit customer with customer name, address, phone no, customer id and save them.
2. Performs Check in operation
Hotel Software executes consumer check in comprising of customer information, check in information and room information with paid and unpaid charges.
3. Operate booking function
Hotel Software manages booking tasks having details for instance customer information, booking details and room description with payment charges.
4. Direct Check Out operation
Using Hotel Software, you can do consumer check out containing options search room number, customer information, payment information, number of staying days and room information.
5. Export information
Hotel Software provides functionality to export customer or room information to doc or excel files.
6. View All Room feature
Hotel Software endows with a View All Room alternative used to view all rooms, obtainable number of rooms and occupied number of rooms.
7. Set Up User
With Hotel Accounting Software, you can add user name, password through Set Up User option to set specific user details.
8. Load Database
Hotel Software gives feature to load database from your PC and use in your hotel configuration. Software also support database backup and restore feature.
9. Add/Edit charges
Hotel Software is designed to add charges such as food & other assorted charges and compute booking, check in and check out transactions precisely.
10. Print receipts
You can print booking and check in receipts to offer a hard copy to consumers for payment.
Tags: hotel, reservation, booking, checkin, checkout, food charges, miscellaneous, management, motel, guesthouse, property management, ledger, accounts, pricing plans, front office, back office, billing, room stays, room planning, guests records
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