Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter is a pdf conversion tool that allows for batch conversion of Acrobat to e-ink Reader. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter convert Acrobat to e-ink Reader quickly. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter does batch convert Acrobat to e-ink Reader documents, you can use Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter to quickly and easily create e-ink Reader files.
Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter key features:
1. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter does NOT require Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader applications;
2. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter converts PDF files to ePub format quickly and easily without installing Adobe Acrobat or Reader;
3. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter does preserve original text, images and layout by default;
4. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter does choose TEXT or Image mode to convert the PDF pages to ePub;
5. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter supports selecting whether to save original pages as whole images in ePub eBooks or not;
6. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter supports batch conversion, you can convert any number of PDF eBooks at one time;
7. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter converts Multiple PDF Files to ePub at High Speed;
8. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter does save time and effort by converting several PDF files to ePub at once;
9. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter supports set the pages you want to convert from the source file, only the specified pages will be converted;
10. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter will keep all original features of the source PDF file after conversion;
11. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter supports different languages in PDF file;
12. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter is able to convert encrypted PDF eBooks;
13. Acrobat to e-ink Reader Converter converts copy and print restricted PDF eBooks directly without knowing the password;
Tags: acrobat, , reader
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