Advanced File Calculator is a cryptographic data hash calculation software for files. Simply drag and drop files in this calculator and hash string for the files will be displayed on the fly. Supported cryptographic hash function algorithms include CRC32 control sum, GOST hash, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, HA2 (256), SHA2 (384), SHA2 (512). You may copy separate hash string corresponding to the file contents data or export them in to text file for future use. This software is capable of up to 1000 concurent hash calculations. Webmasters can also benefot from this utility to calculate and place MD5 hash strings values on their website to verify the integrity of the downloaded data.
Tags: hash, calculator, gost, control, filesland, cryptography, security, hash calculation, hash calculator, hash function, cryptographic hash, hashing, string hashing, calculate hash, hash value, strong hash
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