The GPS Generator PRO application is designed for providing assitance in developing, testing and debugging programs and equipment working with the NMEA-0183 protocol. This application can also be used for learning and testing navigation applications and equipment before purchasing.
This virtual GPS receiver can work without visible GPS satellites, thus it's much more efficient when used indoors. Besides, purchasing the program costs less, than purchasing a GPS receiver.
The program emulates the operation of a GPS receiver (position, speed of relocation, reception quality, and satellite constellation) and gives out GPS data based on the NMEA-0183 protocol v. 2.0, 2.1, 2.3 or 3.0. The program can be configured for getting certain NMEA protocol messages in a certain sequence with a certain frequency.
The output NMEA protocol can be written to a file or transmitted via COM port. This software can be used with a hardware null-modem (COM port - rs232) cable or a virtual serial port software. Any program or equipment working with the NMEA protocol will recognize transmitted messages, created by the GPS Generator, as data from a real receiver. A certain amount of parity errors (CRC) can be introduced in the generated protocol. This could be used to test consistency of operation in navigiation programs.
The program supports several operation modes, and it can give out output data to a COM port (including a virtual one) or save to a file. The saved file can also be re-played providing an opportunity for creating repeatable work scenarios, which would be difficult to do with an actual GPS receiver.
Our application is one of the most convenient and functional among the currently available applications at the market.
Tags: receiver, device, simulator, nmea, generator, maps, emulator, bluetooth, bluesoleil
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