If you don't understand double entry accounting (i.e. debits, credits and journal entries), then avoid sophisticated business accounting software programs or accounting packages. Don't buy a small business accounting software beyond your business needs. If you don't need a fully integrated general ledger accounting system, don't buy a 'Mercedes' when you only need a 'Holden'. Cashflow Manager Gold is a single entry small business accounting bookkeeping software. It operates like a manual cashbook complete with a cash flow worksheet. It requires no understanding of accounting, debits, credits or journal entries. You can record your receipts and payments into the Cashflow Manager columns, reconciles them to your bank accounts, and then prints the reports - including the GST report for your BAS statements. It is the perfect tax preparation software for non-accountants who need proper Australian bookkeeping and business tax records for their businesses. This program includes the debtor's side of 'Invoice Manager' that lets you generate Tax Invoices and track your debtors and produce Customer Statements. The Invoice Manager section creates invoices and manages money owed for both sales and purchases on credit (debtors and creditors). It is also an inventory software solution that manages your inventory level. If you have staff, you can add 'Wages Manager' to perform payroll processing, print pay slips, create Annual PAYG Payment Summaries to track staff entitlements. So, meeting all your employer superannuation requirements is amazingly simple! End of year reports for your employees and the Tax Office take just a few seconds! Without having to know anything about accounting, you can 100% own this software to manage your small business cash flow, tax invoices and business payroll with a AUD$506 one time payment. This small business financial software can help you to avoid 'shoebox' records, and slash your bookkeeping time up to 75%. Download and try it free for 30 days!
Tags: cashflow manager australia, small business accounting, bookkeeping, invoice template, small business payroll, personal finance, inventory, billing, bank reconciliation statement
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