Professional .NET Obfuscator is protection software for .NET code security. It implements all known software obfuscation methods and .NET app protection algorithms.
Important features of Professional .NET Obfuscator:
Disallows deciphering; Protected .NET app mostly is not recompilable; Runs any .NET application, executable, assembly; Encrypts string constants; Control flow obfuscation blocks decompilers; Changes class names, method names, field names etc.
Skater .NET Obfuscator is all-inclusive packaged development instrument for .NET project source code protection. By using Skater .NET Obfuscator a developer may easily secure.NET framework applications (WinForms, WPF, ASPX) from reverse engineering and illegitimate code recovery. Furthermore, a developer does not need any original code changes or programming experience to perform .NET application protection. Skater .NET Obfuscator command-line edition that runs in MS-DOS batch mode is much beneficial for your scheduled software uploads.
Generally, a developer has to protect any .NET assembly where he/she does not want to make the program source code available. There can be several reasons for making this determination. A developer may want to obfuscate the intellectual property since the significant investment it presents. The developer may want to secure a licensing subroutines from screening by hackers. The developer may want to hide SQL statements or server connection strings. Mostly, it will be easier to obfuscate the whole .NET application. In other hands, the developer may decide that the most parts of the application consist of procedure code of no particular interest, and the source code he/she cares about is located in only a few procedures (methods). For this case scenario, the developer can obfuscate only the critical procedures inside the assembly, which can make build process fast and easier.
Tags: obfuscator .net, obfuscator, .net obfuscator, obfuscate, protect, .net protect, decompiler, .net,, visual basic, obfuscation, code security, code protection, protection, visual studio
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