Diablo3 is the third instalment in the world-wide famous franchise from Blizzard Entertainment. It's an enhanced version of the first two games and maintains their core elements. It was released on 15th of May 2012 and became the first fastest selling desktop game in its first day by selling more than 3.5 million copies worldwide. It's a dark fantasy action role-playing game.
The entire game takes place in a Sanctuary named dark fantasy. This sanctuary was guarded twenty years earlier from now by diablo2 heroes. As a result these heroes were rewarded by Tyrael and was sent to safety. Now the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the new generation heroes to save the world from evil forces.
Diablo3 has five character classes namely Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor and Wizard. Out of which only Barbarian is the old one that has returned from the previous series and the rest are entirely new.Diablo3 features two types of auction houses. Gold auction house, here player can buy or sell the items for in game gold that have been acquired during playing. Real-money auction house, here player can buy or sell the items for the real world currency. The real world auction house is not available in the Hardcore mode.
In each act of Diablo3, you will have a certain set of task referred as quests to undertake so that you can save the world from evil forces .These are challenges that precede the story of the game and player is often rewarded with the gold, items, experience and other rewards when completed. Each of its acts has major plot related quests which encompass various minor quests
Diablo3 has received a positive reviews from the critics and was scored at 88/100 on the Gameranking website. Some player has voiced criticism against it as well but its popularity is increasing day by day without any doubts. So, buy it and explore the Sanctuary adventures.
Tags: diablo, wiki, blizzard, games, game