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HiddenObjectsPuzzleDEMO Free Download


A Puzzle game has a set of 8 objects (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), each having a different size and a board (BR) that has 3 zone-markers (Zone1,Zone2,Zone3).Before the game is started in the practice room, the player must put the set of objects( >=3) over the first zone-marker (Z1). Before the game is started in BigVsSmall room and in FastVsSlow room, the player can put the set of objects( >=3) over any zone-marker (Z1,Z2,Z3).In the master room player can make his/her own Goal and Start positions.After the game has started, the player must put all objects over to the last zone-marker (Z3), or match Start and Goal.The player can put an object on any free zone-marker( Z1,Z2,Z3).If the zone is not free, bigger objects can't go inside smaller objects , faster objects can't go inside slower ones and so on....If the zone is not free, smaller objects can't go in front of bigger objects, slower objects can't go in front of faster ones and so on....In practice mode you can see through the objects, but, all of the above rules must still be obeyed.In memory practice mode with MagGlass you can see through the objects if you put the curser over the magnifying glass symbol.RECOMENDATION: try 3 simple cups inthepractice mode first.After the game start :Clicking on the Zone-Marker will lift-up the object.Another click on the Zone-Marker will put the object down.Use ENTER to restart the current room.You may use ARROWs key to go in the different rooms ( or click arrows buttons ).To Save/Load game use F5/F6 ( full version only).Sound ON / OFF : press S to turn sound ON , press S again to turn sound OFF.To solve 3 objects puzzle => 7 moves ( 14 clicks)To solve 4 objects puzzle => 15 moves ( 30 clicks)To solve 5 objects puzzle => 31 moves ( 62 clicks)To solve 6 objects puzzle => 63 moves ( 126 clicks)To solve 7 objects puzzle => 127 moves ( 254 clicks

Tags: logic, puzzle

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