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JokeBank Free Download


If you receive Email, then you know that friends like to share their Jokes. How often do you clean out your mailbox, only to discover that you've lost that one Joke, you swore you'd never forget? With the JokeBank, you'll never have to worry about where to look for any of the Jokes that you want to keep. The JokeBank eliminates the hassle of digging through files or Email to find a Joke you'd like to forward to a friend. The JokeBank will store all of your Jokes in one place. You can list them by subject, how funny you think they are, by the date that you entered them, or by words that they may contain. You can give each of them a user rating depending upon what type of language they contain, and feel secure that the children will not be able to view them. Access to your Jokes can be restricted by the rating you select for each Joke, or made visible with no restrictions. In addition, those of you who have a person in the house who thinks that the answer to everything is hitting the delete key, the JokeBank can restrict all editing of your JokeBank File by requiring a password that you choose. JokeBank also makes it easy to share Jokes in your Collection. With one click of the mouse, you can copy the entire contents of the Joke, including the Title, without the need to highlight the text. Sharing Jokes with friends, who also own a registered copy of the JokeBank, is made easy with the import export function.

Tags: joke, jokes, laugh, joke storage

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