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You are Conrad B. Hart, an agent of the Galactic Bureau of Investigation. During the course of a simple investigation you stumble upon a sinister secret: several high-status people in society are actually Morphs, a dastardly cunning race of aliens in disguise! But it seems as though the Morphs will have the last laugh after spotting you and erasing your memory. Now it is up to you to save your mind and your planet from the Morphs. Throughout the game you will visit and interact with plenty of great places ranging from lush alien jungles, an underground city, Earth, alien prisons, and alien home worlds. Every level is wonderfully depicted with acute detail. The levels have a realistic gritty feel to them. But what are pretty environments if you can't interact with them? Conrad can talk to people, use terminals, switches, elevators, as well as perform more intricate tasks. In the second level for example Conrad must work jobs to gather enough money to compete in a life-or-death game show in order to win tickets for Earth. An extensive inventory also plays an important role in the game. You will collect anything from rocks, to shields, to money, to personal teleporters in your quest and each is very useful.

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