Legend has it that Ogrest is a powerful creature made of pure Wakfu, the primary energy of the universe. He would be the result of an experimentation ran by the alchemist Otomaï, during the Dofus Era. At twilight of an apocalyptic war against the gods themselves, his loved one died.
Ogrest, in rage, withdrew to the highest peaks of the world. He began to cry, and shed so many tears that soon the World of Twelve was drowning in them. The flood had begun...
When the dirt was submerged, the many Kingdoms of the World of Twelve didn't take long to collapse. When the wrath of the elements had eased a little, the survivors had to organize themselves so they could rebuild "civilization". Without politics, the world could have given in to savagery and turn into some sort of Bworks camp. But, after much debate a brand new political system was soon put in place: all over the world, new nations came into being. And any citizen that had proved his or her worth could now hope to become governor. It was the beginning of the era of democracy!
It is now your duty to rebuild the world: in WAKFU, it's up to you!
Play for free: Discover the game without any time limit!
Freedom of choice: Up to 12 playable classes, each with 25 spells, play as a warrior with excessive strength, a healer, an assassin or a summoner specialized in fauna and flora.
Strategic gameplay: The turn based tactical combat system offers to measure yourself with your opponents and put your strategic sense to the test.
Progressive ecosystem: In WAKFU, your actions impact on the environment. Kill too many monsters of a same kind, and it will disappear. Cut too much wheat, and it will deplete. It's is up to you to choose with caution whether you want to protect or exploit natural resources in your environment.
Political system: Four nations: Amakna, Bonta, Brakmar and Sufokia. Relations between these nations depend on a governor elected by players.
Tags: mmorpg, free game, video game, online game, online video game, roleplaying game, multiplayer, massively multiplayer, manga, tactic game, turn based, strategy, politics, ecology, ecosystem