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Duodecim Scripta Free Download


In this game there will be a 12 x 3 board, the center row is called the entry squares and is used to enter the pieces to the board (the first player uses the 6 squares on the left, and the second player uses the 6 squares on the right). You will need to enter all your 6 pieces to the board, move them around the board in the anti-clockwise direction, and then out of the board. The players take turns to throw two dice. For example if 1 and 3 are thrown, then you can enter a piece to the first entry square and another piece to the third entry square, each of the entry squares can hold only one piece. After a piece is entered they can move around the board, for example if 1 and 3 are thrown, then you can put one piece from the entry squares to the first position from the top right corner, and another to the third position. When you move a piece to a square occupied by your pieces, then those pieces will pile together and move together. You cannot move a piece (or a pile of pieces) to a square occupied by the opponent with more pieces in your pile, but if the opponent has less pieces than you have in your pile, then you can knock them out of the board and they will have to start over again. An exact throw is needed to leave the board.

Tags: duodecim scripta, ludus duodecim scriptorum, scripta, tabula, game twelve points, ancient games, strategy games


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