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Multiplayer All Fours Free Download


In this game, there are 4 players and all 52 cards of a standard playing card deck are used. You and the one sitting opposite to you are partners and score together, so there are 2 teams. At the beginning of each hand, the dealer first deals 6 cards to each player, and then open the next card, the suit of the opened card is the trump used in this hand. The player sitting to the right of the dealer then has the right to choose whether to accept that as the trump or not. If he does not accept it, then the dealer can choose between keeping this trump but giving one point to the other team, or to select another trump. If the dealer agrees to select another trump, then he will need to deal 3 more cards to each player and then open the next card, if the card is of the same suit, then he will need to deal 3 more cards to each player again and then open the next card, until the opened card is of a different suit or util all the cards are dealt. If all the cards are dealt then all the cards are collected and reshuffled and redealt. When the dealer is opening cards, his team will immediately get 1 point if an A is opened, 2 points if a 6 is opened, and 3 points if a J is opened. After the trump suit is set, the player sitting to the right of the dealer plays the first card, the card of the first card played is the trick suit, the turn goes counter clockwise and when it is a player's turn: if he has a card of the trick suit, then he can he can either play a card of the trick suit or play a trump; if he doesn't have any card of the trick suit, then he can play any card. This is different from traditional trick taking card game as the player can always play a trump. After all the players have played a card then player who played the highest ranked card of the trick suit (if no trump is played) or the player who played the highest ranked trump wins the trick, and begins the next trick. A hand ends when all the cards are played and then the scoring begins. 1 point (called High Poi

Tags: fours, foes, tricks, trumps, card games


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