Roulette Bot Pro:
Supports 10 different casino gaming platforms
Automatic, semi-automatic, manual, test, or RNG modes
Customizable profit target, stop loss, and trailing stops
Customizable betting units for individual categories
Customized or computerized progressions
Spins of up to 150 times per minute
Create and save customizable betting system profiles
Real time number history, bankroll, and betting history graphs
Includes the video betting profile
Licensed for up to 2 computers
Automatic play for a no zero roulette table - no house edge
Automatic play for live casinos
Automatic software updates when new versions are released
Roulette Bot Pro Has 4 Betting Systems
System 1 - Sleepers. Waits "X" (user defined) times for a category to miss, then places a bet on that category. Uses martingale progression by default or you can program your own customized progressions.
System 2 - Reverse Sleepers. Waits "X" (user defined) times for a category to repeat, then places a bet on all the bets in that category except the one that has repeated. Uses martingale progression by default or you can program your own customized progressions.
System 3 - Super Singles. Proprietary flat betting for single numbers without progressions. Uses "X" (user defined) numbers as data history. Uses "Y" (user defined) numbers to bet on as; sleepers, repeaters, or a combination of both. Will bet until you win, or "Z" (user defined) times.
System 4 - Complex Math Proportional Probabilities. Proprietary system that tracks hit numbers within a certain spin cycle. It then bets on the numbers that complete that cycle when the proportional probabilities of a winning percentage and positive expected value is in favor of that bet.
Progression Recovery - My personal favorite feature on the bot
This is a special option only available when using the reverse sleepers system. It allows you to recover any loss over "X" (user defined) times on 2 different levels.
Tags: roulette, game, player, gaming casion, profit, history number, customizable profit