The Predictor System has been developed specifically so you WIN 2 out of every 3 casino shoes, which is 5% to 7% of turnover, playing the game of Baccarat. We will PROVE that to you when you run the software. Download it now.
The Predictor System is an easy to use but very powerful method of being able to predict the results of Baccarat outcomes so that you will win more often than you will lose. It uses the four basic elements of Baccarat (Banker, Player, Vertical, and Single) in a very simple yet elegant fashion.
If you can count you can win. (NO - You do NOT have to count cards as is done in Blackjack)
Professional Blackjack players have to count cards and use basic strategy to gain an advantage; this method is MUCH SIMPLER and yields better results.
The Marking Card that you can use freely at casinos is all you need. In fact once you get proficient you will not even have to make any extra markings above the standard ones already made by most players.
You can even walk around various tables and use the markings that other players have already made and the Predictor System will tell you when and on what you should bet.
The average 8 deck mini-baccarat game takes a maximum of 1 hour to play and involves a minimum of 70 to 80 hands per shoe. The Predictor System on average (when all Banker, Player, Vertical, and Single come into play) will call for 50 to 60 bets to be placed. At $25 per bet and with an expected MINIMUM return of 5% (but can be up to 7% plus) gives you an income of at least $60 per hour. This can of course be greater with a higher bet value. That is up to you.
Tags: baccarat system, baccarat strategy, baccarat, gambling, casino, card game
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