Greyhound lay system
Here is what I can do to help you make money!
I have decided to 'dust-off' one of the greyhound lay selection systems that I developed and used when I first started out laying on Betfair a couple of years ago.
This system - now named the Greyhound Lay Profits System - is:
has simple easy-to-remember rules
is designed for use with the Betfair and Betdaq betting exchanges
can be used by anyone on just about any greyhound race
is ideal for use with betting bots such as LayBotPro and BetBotPro
You should note that the Greyhound Lay Profits System is NOT the system that is used to make the selections for the Greyhound Lays and Greyhound Lays Lite services. Both of these services use a more sophisticated, computational technique for making the lay selections.
But that does not mean that the Greyhound Lay Profits System is of no use.
In fact, it is a very good system that has stood the test of time and will give you successful lays consistently month-after-month. I certainly used it to build up my betting bank when I first started out.
Now I am letting you have full details about the system for a very low one-off price (ie no monthly subscription)
That's right - I'm letting you have my own personal Greyhound Lay Profits System so that you can concentrate on making your own lay selections every day and do not have to worry about whether or not you can afford a monthly subscription.
Get your copy of the Greyhound Lay Profits System NOW!
The system is very easy-to-use. You'll be able to make a lay selection for any greyhound race that features on Betfair in just a couple of minutes maximum.
You should be able to go through several entire race meetings covering the whole day in about 20 minutes!
So what do you get?
When you buy the Greyhound Lay Profits System, you will download two detailed, easy-to-follow videos that explain the system and how to use it.
Greyhound Lay Profits System - Part 1 (28 mins 33 sec)
Tags: greyhound system, track betting systems, make, winning horse racing systems, spread betting system, financial spread betting system