Where to find the Diablo 3 Black mushroom?
This black mushroom in the game Diablo 3 is needed in order to enter Whimsyshire, it will be used for the crafting of the Staff of Herding and it is usually found at the Cathedral Level 1.
One strategy that can be used in order to collect this item is to load a much later quest using Act 1. The gamer must take the route to Cathedral Gardens Waypoint and then go on to the Leoric's Passage in order to be able to gain access Level 1 of the Cathedral.
The Diable 3 Black mushroom is very rare and precious and it is not uncommon for gamers to try several times before they would be able to find it. If in the first try you were not able to see it, you need to leave the game and then choose the Resume game option.
After resuming the game the normal gameplay will still contain the enemies because it has been merely reset and in resetting the game you gain more chances of finding the mushroom.
The item will look like real life mushrooms but it would be large in size and will glow with a violet hue. Once you click the mushroom you will hear the sound of an opening chest.
There is no exact location where the mushroom be can found in the game layout. If you are not able to find it in the game after searching everywhere you need to restart the game.
In order for the task to be easier it would be best to level up first and then re-play the Act I using the normal mode so that you would not need to spend most of your game time fighting enemies.
After starting a new game on the third quest make sure to teleport to the Cathedral Garden and then seek the Leoric's Passage.
Tags: diablo, black mushroom, blizzard, games, game