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In this game there will be a board with horizontal and vertical lines that make up a board with 19 x 19 intersections. You and your opponent take turns to place stones on the intersections. The score is calculated by adding up the total area surrounded by your stones, plus the number of opponent stones captured. You can capture the opponent stones by surrounding the opponent stones with your stones and/or the edges of the board completely. If there is an blank space inside the area of opponent stones, then those stones are not yet captured, and they can be captured only when you put a stone to fill that empty space. Therefore, if an area of stones has two or more empty spaces (called eyes), then those stones can never be captured and are alive stones. You cannot make a move that will return the game to the position before your opponent's last move, this is to prevent a game that never ends. If you think that you cannot capture more opponent pieces or surround more lands or make more dead stones alive, then you can pass the turn to your opponent, and if your opponent passes back to you, then the game ends. Dead stones are considered to be captured and are removed from the board, but the computer may not be able to determine whether a certain area of stones are dead or not, so at this time you need to click the stones that are dead. As the first mover has an advantage, 6.5 points will be added to the second mover's score to determine the final score.

Tags: , chess, strategy games


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