Star Trek Online Mastery Guide
Here's what STO Mastery Contains:
* Leveling Guide - Stop grinding missions with low yields and find out which ones are best to gain equipment, Skill Points and Energy Credits. I've broken down various types of missions in STO and give you invaluable info which will cut down your leveling time in half!
* Career Guide - Find out the differences of Science, Engineering and Tactical characters and choose the one which best fits your play style
* Professions Guide - Clueless as to what professions do in Star Trek Online? You will love this part!
* Traits Guide - My list of all available traits is a definite must-read before creating your first character. Comes with recommendations on best traits for Federation, Klingons and custom races!
* Ship Guide - Forget about everything you think you know about ships and find out the simple truth in my Ship Guide! Also includes recommendation on best ships, details about ship weaponry, defenses and more!
* Skills Guide - if you have any questions about Skills, Abilities or Skill Points this guide will answer them all! A full list of available player skills and abilities along with recommendations is almost priceless. A must have reference!
* and more: Bridge Officers, Accolades, Mission Rewards, Space & Ground Equipment, Kits, Ranks & Levels, ... STO Mastery contains everything you will ever need!
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Tags: star trek online mastery guide, game, players, game online, strategy, start, trek, mastery, guide