A complex and often confusing talent tree will appear after you complete level 10. This tree furnishes you with myriad abilities and spells in addition to dozens of other options, without any real guide to when or where to make use of them. Here's a prime example of where Use the Force guide comes to the rescue. We've created our guides to serve as classes to indicate exactly where and when to make use of all these spells, talent points, abilities and options.
This amazing time saving package will saves you thousands of credits and eliminate hours of needless frustration, and provide you with the confidence in knowing you are using the very best build and rotation for whatever strategy you choose.
We're extremely adept at all forms of leveling, and we want to share our secrets with you. Whether you want to use Flashpoints or work alone, we'll provide you with the best possible strategy using the minimum amount of time so that you can focus on enjoying your play.
As any experienced SWTOR player is well aware, PvP and end game content are key elements. It can take many hours or even days of frustrating trial and error play to attain that perfect PvP killer combination of builds, items and gears.
That's why we at Use The Force Guide have worked so hard to shorten this process, offering effective, expert-tested PvP builds.
We have builds that are perfect for each and every PvP battle you step into, regardless of your build or play style. Avoid the headaches and get the perfect build to smash your enemies and make all the other players jealous!
Be the pro-level player that everyone else envies and wants to have in their guilds with Use The Force Guide!
We provide support and guidance from the world's best gamers that will rapidly increase your overall level of play and maximize your enjoyment!
Tags: swtor, force, strategy, guide, star, wars, republic
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