Warcraft Formula...
Blizzard has a habit (and a darn good one) of keeping new content flowing into the game at a constant, steady pace. They want to maintain their user base and make things fresh and new as often as possible. This is great news for those who can spare over 10 hours a day.
Can You Spare That Kind of Time?
Now let's talk specifics...
Cumulatively we have released 3 products in all. Warcraft Millionaire, PvP Bible and WOTLK Secrets. These guides has enabled players worldwide (42 countries and counting!) to make a killing in gold making and PvP.
But there was just one problem: some of the members were overwhelmed by it all.
They didn't want to log on more than 2 hours a day simply because "they didn't have the time", "have a life" or "have a full time job".
But, they cried out for ease above all else.
In short, they wanted the impossible; a simple, yet all-powerful, "tell me EXACTLY what to do guide so I can get all the gold and epics I want, WITHOUT the need to play long hours."
"Whine, Whine, QQ . . ."
And now... that's exactly why we're here. Yes, there are players out there getting their PvP gear right when the season even starts (me). Yes, there really are players out there making 10,000 gold with three or four hours of time invested (just ask Brad). . Yes, there are players out there hitting up the highest level raiding content a week or two after the launch of a new expansion. And no, those players do not need to spend 100 hours a week playing the game.
We wanted to tell everyone how they could spend less than 3 hours a day playing the game and get the same results that everyone else was getting with 12 hours a day. We wanted to tell players that had poured their hearts and souls into World of Warcraft that they too could be the top players in the world if they just changed how they looked at the game. But, we didn’t know how... a simple guide wasn’t going to cut it this time.
Tags: warcraft formula guide, games, guide, gold, player, earn money, world warcraft