WoW Auction Mastery. As you can see, my list of "Don't Wants" was quite long. Then I put together my checklist of what I DID WANT:
* I want to make gold easily.
* I want to make gold with any character at any level.
* I want make gold fast.
* I want to make gold with as little work as possible.
* I want to make enough gold to level any profession to the max.
* I want to have enough gold to buy the best gear and mounts.
* I want an epic flying mount on all my characters.
* I want to be able to make gold on any realm, even PvP.
* I want gold making strategies that don't become obsolete.
* I want to enjoy making gold!
After thinking it over, I decided to experiment a little with the Auction House and apply the often heard mantra "buy low, sell high". To my surprise, I found it fun, and within a week or so, I was hooked.
I Wanted Something That Is Easy And Fully Automated
That's right, for me World of Warcraft should be fun. Why should I waste my time doing repetitive tasks like killing a bunch of mobs over and over again, or even worse why should I buy gold? I needed smart gold making strategies that could be automated.
That's why I started experimenting with the Auction House and the Auctioneer AddOn.
At the beginning I didn’t make big profits and, to tell you the truth, I acually lost a substantial share of the gold I started out with.
WoW Gold Goal
After a lot of trial and error, hours of research on online forums, and feverish experimentation of every possible gold-making strategy I struck gold (pun intended :-).
I was finally raking in a steady profit and in a couple of months of "playing" the Auction House, I began making massive amounts of gold with almost no effort.
I now have more than 1,000,000 gold
And the videos show you EXACTLY how I did it
* I can buy anything that gold can buy (mounts, gear, flasks).
* I can "power-level" any profession in no time.
* I can start a new character and give it the best possible
Tags: auction mastery, game, guide, gamer, players, make money, world warcratf