Athletic Body System:
Do you blame your physique development (or lack of) on bad genetics and you wonder what exercise is the best one for developing them ‘lower abs’ when the truth of the matter is the abs are fine but there’s a layer of stubborn fat covering them. .
You do your 3x10 exercises and your cardio on your day off just like the magazine says but it does nothing only make you frustrated.
Let me guess, you buy every new supplement that comes out, hoping it is ‘the one’ that will ‘build muscle and blowtorch bodyfat’ and give you a ‘massive pump’ and all that nonsense. Then when it doesn’t work you go back to the old supplement and realize you have just wasted your money.
Are you unsure of how to use your supplements in correct dosages? How to make them work for your body instead of against it? Do you really think you need the recommended dosages on the supplement tubs...after all, they want you to use more.
Were you aware that the way you take your post workout shake can actually cause an ‘amino acid crash’ and BREAK DOWN MUSCLE?
Scary Huh?
I know what you are thinking. .
‘How come this hasn’t all been said before? How come you are the first one to say all of this? How do you know?’
Well to be honest it is bodybuilders and supplement companies that have all the money in the training industry. .
They call the shots.
You see, strange as it may sound, they don’t really want you to make progress. They’re far happier preying on your insecurities and trying to persuade you to buy their supplements over and over again. They want you to think you can’t make any decent progress without their pills, powders or protein bars otherwise you’ll stop buying them… then where would they be?
Sure, there are a handful of supplements that really do work (and I’ll tell you all about them in the program) but most of them are useless and produce nothing but expensive urine for those who take them.
Tags: athletic body system, lose stomach, belly exercises, exercise stomach, flat stomach, remove belly, reduce belly