Ultra Selects | Ultra International and the Fitness Assistant program helps you to formulate diets that work with easy diet plans and their fast weight loss program. The Fitness Assistant will help keep track of your progress with Ultra Selects International diets that work. The Fitness Assistant will track your calorie intake, fitness levels, calories burned, etc. and set goals to attain your optimum fat burn and help you set diets that work with easy diet plans based upon our all natural weight loss and fat burning system. Living a healthy lifestyle can change more than your external appearance, but most importantly your internal well being. A strong Ultra Selects International nutritional diet and the Fitness Assistant program can give you a foundation for more energy, an increase in positive moods, a longer and healthier life, a general sense of well being. and yes, a more fit body. Download Fitness Assistant Trial version and try it out for free for 15 days.
No time limits. You can use the free trial for an unlimited time.
No user limits. You can create as many user profiles with the trial as you like.
Functional limits. The trial cannot store more than 15 days of training and diet information per user account.
Windows Vista Compatible. Fitness Assistant is fully Windows Vista and Windows 7 compatible.
No-strings attached Nothing to cancel or return. If you do not like the program you can simply uninstall it or just leave it on your computer and try it at another time.
Remember that Join Ultra Selects will educate you on our all natural weight loss program with easy to use diets that work and assist you with easy diet plans.
Tags: easy diet plans, ultra selects, ultra selects international, ultra international, diets that work, fitness assitant, health wellness, weight loss program, lose weight program, fitness program, fast weight loss program, lose weight fast program
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