Frenchdiet is a nutrition program for tracking the nutritional intake and estimating the ideal weight and the caloric requirements. Frenchdiet is the ideal companion for dieting people. Food entry is very easy with several food search tools, and custom foods, meals and recipes. Detailed analyses are proposed : full reports for 19 nutrients, food pyramid, food podium, weight curve. Frenchdiet has some unique features : mediterranean diet analysis, real caloric needs estimation, diet simulator. Various help systems are available : complete on-line documentation, description screens and tooltips.
Detailed features
- body mass index
- various methods for calculating the ideal weight
- theoretical caloric requirements
Food database
- food composition for 19 nutriments
- various food sorts
Food entry
- 6200 USDA database foods
- a carefully selected list of 1450 usual foods with shorter and simpler names
- visual choice of categories
- sub-categories, i.e the "Dairy products" category is split in milks, cheeses, eggs...
- copy/cut/paste of lists of foods from a day to another
- meals (group of foods which can be entered with one mouse click)
- favorites
- custom foods
- recipes : creation of custom foods from home recipes
- easy switch from one day to another
- daily food pyramid
- daily food podium
- daily percentage of energy provided by fats, carbohydrates and proteins
- detailed food report for 19 nuriments :totals, comparison with DRI, sorts for one day or any period of time
- daily "Mediterranean diet" analysis
- evaluation of the real caloric requirements
- diet simulator
- multi-user features
- easy switch from imperial to metric system
- complete 40 days example
Help and documentation
- complete on-line documentation
- various help and description screens
- tooltips
Tags: nutrition, weight, ideal weight, diet, food, food pyramid, caloric requirements, caloric intake, calorie
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