Hompath WildFire, Homeopathic software with World's largest database and best Expert Systems.
- Quick, Intelligent, Accurate Symptom Recording
Even while patient is giving history, you can record symptoms, repertorize the case, filter the remedies and get the Similimum. Also cross check from Materia Medicae.
- Quick Case Record
Intelligently stores your patient's history in an easy manner, Record rubrics while patient is narrating history, Record symptoms as rubrics and automatically repertorize.
- Repertory
Oldest to the newest repertories including Complete Repertory 2011 and Murphy's Clinical Repertory version 3, 36 repertories and 20 special repertories.
- Rubric, Remedy, Repertory Tools
New additions for the ease of functioning and finding similimum, Find available cases, clinical tips and Materia Medica books for ANY remedy from ANYWHERE, Strategic and expert filters and tools for arriving to the similimum within seconds
- Cases
A colossal anthology of about 5000 treated cases,Learn prescribing methods for acute, chronic, one-sided, difficult or incurable diseases, Cases from pillars - Hahnemann, Kent, Boger etc. and experts - Scholten, Vijayakar, Humranwala, Sehgal etc.
- Compare Keynotes
Compare and differentiate the two or more remedies in a single window
- Patient Instructions
Advice the patients, in simple language & give printed instructions for them to remember, 615 patient instructions & tips on diet and nutrition
- Media
Make your practice evidence based with media files, comparison of investigations and follow-ups
- Expert Systems
Understand any case through Temperaments, Predictive method, Periodic table analysis, Sehgal's Revolutionized method, Kentain, Bogerian or Boenninghausen's methods
-Remedy Properties
Remedy information including common & generic name, chemical formula, part used, hierarchy etc, Collection of more than 3000 remedies, including common, rare, newly proved remedies, More than 2000 remedy Images.
Tags: homeopathy, homoeopathy, homoeopathic, homeopathic, download free homeopathy, hompath wildfire, hompath purplerock, hompath firefly, repertory, materia medica, patient management system, hompath
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