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How to Visualize Free Download


Learn how to visualize with NLP and self-hypnosis techniques. Unwanted blurry mental imagery or a frustratingly, blank mind impedes your personal growth. The How to Visualize Series will teach you to perceive your environment differently by learning how to pay attention to the dynamics of information that most people overlook. The How to Visualize Series includes the following How to Visualize audio program: Self Awareness and the Fives Senses, The Visual Submodalities of Perception, and Time and Space Imagery. Have you struggled with visualization in the past or want to enhance your sense of internal clarity? Don't worry, I've been there too. I remember nearly a decade ago trying to "visualize" for the first time. Just the simple practice of holding the image of an apple clearly in my mind's eye seemed to be an elusive task. Over time though, it became simpler and easier to the point that it is now effortless, and vividly dynamic allowing me to do many things that I had never imagined possible in the past. However, you don't have to waste a bunch of time like I did... I don't have to tell you how many people from professional athletes to artists to business leaders claim that their personal successes come from what they visualize. When I first started proactively pursuing my personal development, this resource didn't exist and what took me years to do could have been accomplished in weeks or months had I known then how to create an environment in which to practice. I'm reminded of something a martial arts instructor of mine once said, and I'm sure he had heard it from someone else. "The day after you have received your black belt is just like the previous day. You're still expected to chop wood and carry water. You return to the basics and you do it with a higher degree of awareness..." And, this is exactly how this series will serve you - creating a higher sense of internal awareness as you practice and refine your ability to visualize.

Tags: attention shifting, brain tools, ericksonian hypnosis, ericksonian hypnosis visualization, visualize, learn visualize, easy visualization, guided imagery, visualize easily, mental imagery, visualization, self hypnosis


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