Album Tracker is a software program to organize your music and CD collection. Album Tracker utilizes a simple and intuitive graphical user interface where almost all of the CD and music data can be seen on a single screen. You won't spend hours flipping between screens just to find a song or get some data on your favorite musician. Album Tracker also allows the user to customize the program for his or her specific music organizing needs with options such as customizable reports and custom field names.
Album Tracker offers lots of fields to enter your music data. Fields are items you can enter for each album or CD which you can later sort, print out, or compare. For example, default CD music fields include Title, Artist, Category, Producer, Rating, etc. There are 17 music fields in all and they all can be changed to fit your needs. So, if you would rather have a field called Genre instead of Producer, you can easily make the change.
In addition to music CD fields for organizing, you can enter Notes, Songs, and even a graphic for each CD. The Notes and Songs pages allow you to enter longer text sections on each CD for items such as song lists or special items about the CD that you want to keep record of. The graphic field is where you can enter a picture of the CD cover or artist or anything that you want to help remind you of the album or organize it better.
Album tracker also allows for .csv file export, copying CDs, undoing mistakes, searching through your CD collection, as well as sorting and organizing your collection. Help is included with the music organizer as well.
Tags: music, organizer, record, tape, tracker, album, collection, catalog, media
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