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Math Asst., Calculator, and Hypertext Notepad for Scientists and Engineers using Pocket PC 2003. Assists with calculating networks of formulae, dynamic simulation, differential and linear equation solution, multiple equations and unknowns, builtin script language. Useful for engineering and science computations, trying out algorithms, plotting results, quantitative brain-storming, and documenting problem solutions. User acquires or creates application files called webs to solve particular problems of interest. Webs included with the distribution include: 1) CA -- Cellular automaton simulation 2) CAVE -- Nano Adventure Game illustrating hypertext interface 3) cocomo -- Computes time to develop software 4) DIBPrinting -- Tells how to print device indepent bitmaps in Windows 5) filter -- simulates simple IIR and FIR filters 6) hamurabi -- plays the old basic computer game hamurabi 7) HEBB -- Illustrates Hebbian learning using a matrix of weighting factors 8) LOGISTIC -- Illustrates the period doubling approach to chaos, using a simple logistic map 9) logo -- Plots a pretty spiral 10) matrix -- Solves four equations in four unknows using lu-decomposition 11) payment -- Computes a monthly payment from principal and interest 12) PERT -- Computes the critical path in a simple construction process 13) PIGGY -- Computes total amount in piggy bank from the number of each kind of coin 14) Quotes -- Selected quotes from famous iconoclasts and others 15) Rkutta -- Illustrates second order differential equation solution using Runge-Kutta method

Tags: math, assistant, calculator, script, scripting, language, equation, solve, solution, plot, plotter, cellular, compute, computer, hypertext, notepad, outline, outliner, classify, planning, documenting, design, designing, engineering, engineer, thinking

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