Software "the Kindergarten: Development" it is intended for automation of operation of tutors of preschool educational institutions (DOW). The Computer program "the Kindergarten: Development" approaches for any programs of development of children, and also there is a possibility of a combination of programs depending on your preferences. By software solution development requirements SanPiN were considered. By default the software solution corresponds to the program of development "Childhood" (under the editorship of T.I.Babaevoj, Z.A.Mihajlovoj, L.M.Gurovich), but can be adjusted on any other program. The reports given by the program, correspond to requirements of certification, safety, licensing, the sanitary code and rules. The given software solution is multifunctional - gives the chance to automate operation of tutors not only kindergartens, but also a day nursery, and also their combinations. The program is simple in mastering as inherits receptions familiar to the user and operation methods, a standard type of a window and the interface. The program is reliable in operation as in the program there are mechanisms of reliable storage and reserve copying of the data. The program is adjusted - you can adjust development indexes, orienting the program on any educational programs. POSSIBILITIES: - Guiding of various reference manuals with possibility of adding, correction and removal of the data; - Guiding of log of development of children; - reporting Formation (the Report on development of children); - Input and import from Excel the given reference manuals of the program; - password Setting on an input in the program; - Possibilities of automatic sending of a database to the developer; - Possibility of copying of a database on flesh, restitutions with flesh for reserve copying or information transfer on other computer. The program is developed in the full correspondence with requirements SanPiN, come into force on October, 1st, 2010.
Tags: kindergarten, development, development children, sanpin, activity automation, development analysis, educational program childhood, database