The Intelligent Mail barcode (formerly known as the 4-State Customer Barcode or onecode) is the next generation of USPS® barcode technology used to sort and track letters and flats. Intelligent Mail barcode technology combines the capabilities of the POSTNET™ barcode and the PLANET Code® barcode into one unique barcode. In May 2009, IMB becomes official, and customers will have options to use full service IMB or along with POSTNET. By next year, all reply mail should implement Intelligent Mail barcode.
VectoBar Pro Postal Barcode allows you create Intelligent Mail Barcode with great control and in vector graphic format. Besides you can create POSTNET, PLANET, FIM barcodes, And Horizontal Bar for your static letters. See features for more information.
* Creates USPS Postal Barcode on the fly as you type in and complete data.
* Adjust bar width with our barcode software.
* You can also adjust Space width and Pitch using this postal barcode generator, specially for Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB barcode).
* The barcode softwar eallows you to apply Bar Width Reduction to compensate with printer gain or loss.
* Adjust bar height and width separately using this postal barcode maker.
* the barcode creator calculates and adds check digit automatically.
* Data formatter in this postal barcode software helps you to synthesize Intelligent Mail Barcode or IMB bacode data.
* This postal barcode software supports vector graphic formats (EPS & PDF)
* The barcode maker shows you EPS Preview for WYSIWYG experience.
* The barcode generator adda Human Readable on top or bottom of the postal or Intelligent Mail barcode.
Tags: intelligent mail postal barcode, code, postnet, planet, face identification mark, reply mail, bussiness reply mail, barcode
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