Barcode Director is a production imaging tool that uses barcodes on scanned / faxed documents to: rename image files by cover page barcode, separate into individual documents, assemble image pages into collated documents. Created documents and/or folders are named using barcode value. Reads the most popular 1D barcodes (code 39, code 128, etc.) and 2D Barcodes (PDF417, DataMatrx, QR) are supported. Barcode values are validated and filtered per customer requirements. Barcode values parsing allows use of portions of the value in file and folders names. Supports TIFF and PDF as input and output, JPEG and other image formats as input. Input files can be located in one or more folders and/or sub-folders. Output files are routed to one or more output folders. Output folders names are fixed or generated dynamically with barcode values. Windows UI mode provides for quick and easy configuration of the most sophisticated processing. Multiple configurations saved for future use from UI or from command line batch processing . High-volume production features includes: Automatic batch processing of thousands of document images per hour. Command line execution mode easily integrates in customer workflow. Monitor mode for unattended continuous processing. Reading of poor quality barcodes through automatic image improvement scripts to resolve the recognition issues. Extensive exception handling (e.g. barcode not found, or duplicate values, or invalid values) for robust production implementation and exceptions re-work. Detailed XML or CSV reports for easy connection to other workflow components.
Tags: batch, automatic, automation, barcode, group, collate, rename, sort, separate, read, archive, image, code, datamatrix, folder
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