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Branding As a Human Experience Free Download


Advertisements today need to have an impact in order to stand out and draw attention. This can only be achieved once all the elements building the advert are based on a full understanding of the communication cycle it needs to complete. Here we use Lasswell’s Communication Model to explain this communication cycle involved in each advertisement. Communication Models in isolation tend to be descriptive rather than prescriptive, and it is this retrospective rather than predictive function that sometimes limits their usefulness. The ultimate test of the success of any model must lie in its ability to predict the outcome of new and unique communication and to develop strategies which facilitate successful communication, especially when it comes to marketing strategies and their advertisements. It is the later responsibility which is shared in advertising terms by the multimedia advertiser for branding. The marketing strategy must itself exhibits many, if not all, of the components of a model in its efforts to give tangible and quantifiable value to the process whereby an advertisement is exposed to, and consumed by, targeted consumers. In 1948, Harold Lasswell created a communication model which has served to illustrate the key elements in the process of all communication between humans individually or in the masses. Down load this Ebook for free to learn more about this topic and make your branding and marketing campaign standout from the rest of your competitors.

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