A powerful software for analysis of different kinds of microscopic images. Mainly oriented for the scanning probe microscopy 3D images processing and analysis, but can be also used for optical and electron microscopy images. Between its features are powerful 3D representation, with ability to record movies, clipboard integration, USB cameras support, Fourier analysis, pattern recognition functions.
You will be able to easily measure spatial dimensions of any object, calculate the roughness parameters or build histograms.
A special attention is payed to the processing of the force curves - calculation of separation curves, WLC model approximation, calculation of statistics for multiple curves.
Here are some key features of "FemtoScan Online":
FemtoScan Base (fsmbase)
Crop - Crop image
Average - Average selected area with mask of arbitrary width
Sharpen - Sharpen selected area with mask of size 3
Wiener Filter - Filter selected area with Wiener filter
Median - Median filtering of selected area with arbitrary mask
Median X - Adjust image scan lines/columns with median filter by X mask 3x3
Median Cross - Median filtering of selected area with "Cross" mask 3x3
Adjust scale - Normalize inner data representation, so that data would lie between -16384 and +16383
Flip - Transpose image
Rotate - Rotate image on an arbitrary
Fitting - Remove average slope (1-st or 2-nd power polynome), evaluated by LMS method BSpline - Remove large-scale relief by subtraction of cubic B-spline
Filtering with threshold
Highlighting (gradient transform by angle, sine or tangent)
Scaling by Z-axis
Changing horisontal scales
Deleting areas in fourier, which results in changing of original
Profiles (sections)
3-dimensional views with different parameters
Surface square
Curves length
Isolines length
and more...
Tags: nsom, microscopy, image, processing, data, analysis, video, capture, twain
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