As with any direct sales company or network b business company you must do your research on the products, the company and the compensation plan. The key to success in any network marketing company is your ability to sponsor other people into the business. Yes, you do want to sell the products and make a commission but your real success lies with your recruiting abilities.
Fluhme has a great products and a great compensation plan but 95% of Fluhme Beauty Artist will not succeed because they will be able to overcome the 4 reasons why people fail in network marketing.
The first reason people will fail is because of Lack of leads. Most people starting out in Fluhme will be told to recruit their friends and family by having home showcases but the problem that people face is leads. Having home parties is a great way to start your business but most people are limited to the number of people who will come to the presentation because they run out of friends and family. You have to learn how to use the internet where you can find new people to present your opportunity to. You will be able to reach thousands of people and be able to bring them to your websites.
Lack of cash flow is the second reason you will fail in fluhme. When most people join a direct sales or network marketing company they expect to see cash within 30-90 days. When no cash is received, people will run and join another network marketing business.
Lack of training is the third reason people will fail in Fluhme. Training is very important. The problem is if you don’t have training on social media, video marketing, article marketing, software submissions, press releases, WEB 2.0 and so much more. You will not be able to take your Fluhme business to new heights and dominate your competition.
The forth reason why people will fail in Fluhme is because most of them don’t have a duplicable system that they can pass down to their team.
Tags: fluhme, fluhme review, fluhme scam, network marketing