Jade Property Suite is an integrated system for real estate agents. It allows you to store all data on real estate properties and contacts. Each real estate property has one well-organized record where everything about it is stored. A search panel allows you to find the right property record or set of records quickly. However, you can also get precise answers to complex questions using the Grid View. Jade Property Suite is delivered with many ready-made templates for brochures, listings booklets and window cards. A powerful editor for these templates allows you adjust them to suit your business. When the information in your database changes, all of your promotional material is automatically updated. With Jade you can keep your existing website up-to-date with listings generated from the database. The appearance and content of the web listings, along with the categories into which they are divided, can all be customized. Designed to provide you with an ultra fast presentation tool, Web View shows any property or selection of properties on screen as a custom website that you can show straight away to a customer. When you want to respond to a customer quickly with a set of property listings that are likely to suit them, Jade records everything necessary, from their contact details to future matching preferences AND generates a customized email message or letter that you can send immediately. Later, you can keep this customer informed of new properties by periodically running an automatic Match. The Contacts database is a store of all of the people you deal with in the course of selling and marketing real estate: Everyone from potential buyers, vendors, suppliers and solicitors through to your own staff and other estate agents. (Information about any Company only needs to be entered once in the Companies database).
Tags: real estate, real estate agency, real estate agent, realty
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