Tax calculating software written by tax specialists
Our team of tax experts have a considerable number of years experience in all aspects of personal taxation matters.
Tested through the Inland Revenue's Validation Service
Our software has undergone extensive testing at both calculation and Internet transmission levels prior to recognition by the Inland Revenue and inclusion in their list of software providers.
Dual format completion
Our user friendly products allow the user to choose between the standard Inland Revenue forms and an Interview method preferred by many users for easier completion - all data entered updates both methods.
Validation routine
Before calculating the tax to be paid or refunded the data will be automatically passed through a validation routine that will draw attention to the most common omissions that taxpayers make when completing their tax return.
Help and Hints
Throughout the data entry process, using IR forms or Interview, help is only one click away - either the full IR Help Notes or our simplified Guidance with hints on how to make sure you don't pay any more or less tax than you should do under current legislation.
Running tax calculation
In addition to displaying a constantly updated tax payable feature and full Revenue calculation, the software provides the user with a payment schedule detailing the dates and amounts of tax to be paid.
'What if...' As with all modern programs...
...data can be amended thus affording the opportunity to experiment with income, allowances and reliefs to discover the impact of increased or reduced payments.
Submitting your tax return.
TaxChecker wholeheartedly support the use of File By Internet - data is passed over secure lines direct to the Inland Revenue's Mainframe. Refunds of overpaid tax appear much quicker and there is no risk of data entry errors.
Storing and Printing.
Your return data will be stored in a directory on your hard drive and will therefore always b
Tags: returns, savings, rebates, refunds, income, income return, self assessment, capital gains, inland revenue, file internet, return, self asessment, self assesment
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