The main reason for planning and compiling a marketing strategy is to reach your target market with the creative message in your advertisement. But how can you do this effectively is you don’t know your target market or have no idea what part of the mass market they “hide†away in. As network marketers we need to know who to identify our target market and know how to effectively advertise to them.
As strategic marketing planning is a process directed at the successful communication of creative messages (advertisements) to predetermined audiences (target market), it follows that the identification of this targeted audiences, and subsequently their advertising consumption habits, is of vital importance.
Such target market must be described in terms of the specific marketing objectives outlined by the marketing strategy. The network or referral marketer, admittedly often in conjunction with the primary manufacturing or supplying company, must identify the parameters of this target market. Certainly any marketer worth his/her salt will provide constructive feedback on the shortcomings of existing target market definitions and presuppositions they identify or become aware of, but the primary focus should be on the most effective approach to reaching these people where they operate and make a living for themselves and their families.
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Tags: advertising, advertisement, advertisements, marketing, marketing strategy, networking, multi level marketing, branding, marketing plan, direct marketing, marketing training, advertising training, network marketing